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Peyote Paradise, Mescaline Cacti specialist !  Peyote Paradise, Mescaline Cacti Specialist ! Cuttings for Ceremonies & Microdosing, Peyote, San Pedro, Bolivian & Peruvian Torch.

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Welcome to Peyote Paradise !

                            Specialist in Peyote and San Pedro Cacti.
 1. Buy Peyote en San Pedro Cacti online !
 Buy Mescaline Cacti
 You can buy our psychoactive Mescaline Cacti online in our ‘Online Smartshop’.
 We have Mescaline Cactus plants and cuttings, from young to very old !
 Hallucinogenic Mescaline Cacti have been our great speciality for decades !

 We have:
 -- strong tested San Pedro Cactus cuttings for eating (trip) and further cultivation.
 -- our own Mescaline Cacti Nursery !
 -- a lot of growing experience with Mescaline Cacti.
 -- lots of knowledge through study and responses from our customers
    (Smartshops, Shamans, private).
 Group of Bald San Pedro Cactinow extinct in the wild....
 Echinopsis scopulicola (= Trichocereus scopulicola). 
 At least 12 years old, grey blue en flat.
 Bald San Pedro Cactus with four ribs.
 Tested very strong cuttings.

  Below are all the links to the main groups of the Mescaline Cacti, articles, and books.
 The main groups pages contain links to all the subgroups like species, forms and varieties.

 Strong and tested cuttings to use on a trip or for microdosing.
San Pedro Cactus stekken voor Ceremonies
 Super strong tested (!) cuttings
for immediate use !
San Pedro Cactus stekken voor Microdosing
 Super strong tested (!) cuttings
for immediate use !
Mescaline Cactus stekken voor Ceremonies om te kweken
 Properly dried, pot up immediately.
 Bereiden van de San Pedro met 55 foto's.

 Round Cacti up to about 10 cm in diameter from Mexico and Texas.
 Strongest Mescaline Cactus!
Bloeiende Peyote met bloem: Lophophora williamsii.
 Lophophora williamsii.
 With pale pink flowers.
Peyote met bloem van 12 jaar oud (Lophophora williamsii).
 Lophophora williamsii 12 years old.
 Low grey-blue Cacti.
Peyote Decipiens met bloem (Lophophora williamsii forma decipiens).
 Lophophora williamsii forma decipiens.
 With nodes and more Mescaline.
 Lophophora williamsii var. jourdaniana.
 With purple-pink flowers.
 Nicest Peyote !

 Tall, columnar Cacti from South America that grow quickly.
 They make a lot of Mescaline!
 Echinopsis pachanoi.
 Trichocereus pachanoi.
 With thorns up to 2 cm in length.
San Pedro Cactus kamvorm (cristaat). Echinopsis pachanoi forma cristatus.
 Cristate or crest shapes.
 Echinopsis pachanoi forma
Bovenkant van de San Pedro Cactus Monstervorm (Echinopsis pachanoi forma monstruosus).
 Monstruose / monstrose forms.
 Unpredictable monstrous growth.
Bovenkant van de Kale San Pedro Cactus (Echinopsis scopulicola).
 Echinopsis scopulicola.
 Trichocereus scopulicola. 
 With mini thorns up to 1 mm long.

Bovenkant van de Bolivian Torch Cactus (Echinopsis lageniformis).
 Achuma Cactus.
 Echinopsis lageniformis.
 Trichocereus bridgesii.
 Yellow-brown spines up to 10 cm long.
Bovenkant van de Peruvian Torch Cactus (Echinopsis peruviana).
 Echinopsis peruviana.
 Trichocereus peruvianus.
 With Long thorns and larger areoles. 

 Echinopsis cuzcoensis.
 With long stinging thorns.

Bolivian Torch Super Monstervorm (Echinopsis lageniformis forma monstruosus).
 Super Monstrous forms   Make monstrous forms and crest forms simultaneously..
Unieke Mescaline Cactus.
 Large monstrous forms.
 Large multi-headed crests.
Bovenkant van de Penis Cactus.
 Thick and short, thin and long,
 thick and long, straight and curved.
Valse San Pedro Cactus (bovenkant).
 Really do not contain any Mescaline....
Lots of ribs and short thorns, though. 

 Seeds for sowing your own Peyote and San Pedro.
 Complete sets for sowing Mescaline Cacti..
Boeken en Video's van Castaneda en over de Peyote en de San Pedro Cactus.
 Books about Castaneda, Peyote and San Pedro.
Kweekartikelen: grond, voeding, zaaisets, kweeksets.
 Soil, nutrition, grow kits.

 Articles about Peyote 
in Texas and Mexico.
 Photos of the San Pedro in the wild 
and of a market in Peru.
 Big white flowers in the night.
 Preparing the San Pedro 
 in 57 pictures.

9. Assortment of Peyote-Paradise (short)

 We offer:
 -- small, large, young and old Mescaline Cacti.
 -- many special species, varieties and shapes.
 -- well-rooted Mescaline Cacti in a pot (plant).
    They grow immediately in your home!
 -- cuttings, which you can have rooted yourself in the pot and soil provided free of charge.
 -- fresh, strong, thick and cheap Mescaline Cacti of good quality.
 -- useful and interesting books, e.g. on care and use.
 -- many cultivation items such as special Cactus soil, Cactus fertiliser (food), pots, etc.

 We always select the most beautiful and strongest plants and cuttings for you!  ;-)
 We hope you enjoy our special Mescaline Cacti !
 See you at Peyote-Paradise !  ;-)

10. Buy Mescaline Cacti at Peyote-Paradise !

Buying Advice !
Buy your Mescaline Cacti at the Specialist !
So you know for sure that you are buying the right Mescaline Cacti.
And you will not be disappointed later on ....
There are now many cacti on offer that are not psychoactive!

Own nursery has its own Mescaline Cactus nursery.
Either a Peyote Cactus nursery, and San Pedro Cactus nursery.

Lots of knowledge and experience has been working with these mind-expanding Cacti on a daily basis for many years.
We raise the Mescaline Cacti offered in our own Cactus Nursery. therefore possesses a lot of knowledge and experience about Mescaline Cacti.
We have selected the San Pedro and Peruvian Torch Cacti for their strongest effects !

Help and Support
You will get better help with growing and care through our years of own experience.
See EXTRA INFO (bottom left) with sections on Mescaline, growing, use, research.

GUARANTEE ! guarantees of all Mescaline Cacti offered:
-- the correct name. 
-- the mind-altering effect (unless explicitly stated otherwise).

See you at Peyote-Paradise ! ;-)