Trip-verslag van een Sjamaan (28 Augustus 2017)
Wilde je even laten weten dat ik ca. 90 cm bereid heb en deze was waanzinnig sterk.
Ik reken normaal 40cm per persoon,
we hebben ongeveer met 2 personen 55cm op en dat was genoeg.
Ik was blij dat ik eerst 2 uur gevoeld heb voordat we de tweede helft namen.
Het zou ook voor mij moeilijk geweest zijn om te begeleiden als we alles hadden genomen.
Mijn reiziger was een first timer en had zijn handen vol, had niet meer aangekund.
Dit is hoe ik mensen wil laten voelen wat de cactus doet.
Ik ben bij meerdere traditionele ceremonies geweest maar nooit was de cactus dusdanig sterk.
Dan komt de echte kwaliteit van de cactus niet omhoog maar deze cactus, wauw.
Zie ook onze San Pedro Cactus stekken voor Ceremonies
Deze San Pedro Cactus plant met 6 ribben heeft een grotere oppervlakte aan de buitenkant.
En bevat daarom waarschijnlijk meer Mescaline dan San Pedro Cactussen met minder ribben !
Euro 29.95
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Deze San Pedro Cactus plant met 6 ribben heeft een grotere oppervlakte aan de buitenkant.
En bevat daarom waarschijnlijk meer Mescaline dan San Pedro Cactussen met minder ribben !
Euro 34.95
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Deze San Pedro Cactus plant met 6 ribben heeft een grotere oppervlakte aan de buitenkant.
En bevat daarom waarschijnlijk meer Mescaline dan San Pedro Cactussen met minder ribben !
Euro 49.95
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Deze San Pedro Cactus plant met 6 ribben heeft een grotere oppervlakte aan de buitenkant.
En bevat daarom waarschijnlijk meer Mescaline dan San Pedro Cactussen met minder ribben !
Euro 54.95
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Small and cheap San Pedro Cactus plant for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year!
Euro 18.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus plant for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 64.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 53.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus plant for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 79.95
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This special cristate form of the San Pedro Cactus grows in a crest form (fan-shape).
This fast-growing cristate has not just one growing point, but a line of growing points.
This smallest well-rooted cristate in a pot grows immediately in your home.
Sometimes a crest form emerges from a monstrous form, as shown in the photo.
Euro 17.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 20.95
The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 24.95
The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 29.95