Het lichaam van deze monster-vormige Cactus ziet er grillig en monsterachtig uit.
Deze monster-Cactus heeft een onregelmatige groei.
Deze bijzondere vorm maakt steeds nieuwe ribben en nieuwe knobbels.
Het is niet te zeggen hoe zo'n monstervorm verder gaat groeien !
Elke monstervorm ziet er na enkele jaren uniek uit !
Betekenis van de namen
monster = afgrijselijk wezen, gedrocht
monstrueus = monsterlijk (uitspraak: monstru-eus).
monstruosus = monsterlijk, monsterachtig, gedrochtelijk (spreek uit: monstru-osus).
monstrous = Engels = monsterlijk, monsterachtig, gedrochtelijk.
![]() San Pedro Cactus monstervorm (forma monstruosus) - zijaanzicht.
![]() San Pedro Cactus monstervorm (forma monstruosus) - bovenaanzicht.
![]() San Pedro Cactus monstervorm (forma monstruosus) die verder groeit als cristaatvorm (forma cristatus).
De ribben van deze San Pedro Cactus lopen niet recht door naar boven, maar:
1. verdraaien zich.
2. splitsen zich.
3. stoppen onverwacht met groeien.
4. beginnen opnieuw te groeien.
Tussenribben, knobbels, en ook kamvormen kunnen ontstaan.
Uit een kamvorm kunnen soms weer monstruose rechte zuiltjes omhoog gaan groeien.
Soms groeit een monstervorm verder als een kamvorm (zie de foto hieronder).
Of vertakt zich in twee koppen, die dan elk als monstervorm verder groeien.
De vermelde afmetingen zijn minimum-afmetingen.
Een stek van 7+ cm betekent dus een lengte van minstens 7 cm.
STEK = onbewortelde stek (afgesneden zijtak). In het Engels: cutting.
PLANT = goed bewortelde plant in een pot.
PLANT IN POT = goed bewortelde plant in een pot.
San Pedro Monstervorm planten of San Pedro Monstervorm stekken kopen ?
U kunt San Pedro Monstervorm planten of stekken kopen.
1. San Pedro monstervorm stekken zonder wortels (cuttings) kopen.
Sterke stekken (cuttings) om op te eten ..... !
Of om zelf op te potten en te laten bewortelen.
Een stek van een San Pedro Monstervorm maakt nieuwe wortels na 4 tot 6 weken.
Hierna groeit de bewortelde San Pedro Cactus monstervorm stek op eigen wortel verder.
Stekken (cuttings) van San Pedro Cactus soorten :
-- zijn tot zo'n 15 cm lengte veel dikker, zwaarder en sterker
dan gezaaide San Pedro Cactussen (zaailingen).
-- bezitten een dikkere buitenste weefsellaag (Chlorenchym-laag),
waarin het Mescaline-gehalte het hoogst is.
2. Goed bewortelde San Pedro Cactus Monstervorm als plant in een pot kopen
Een bewortelde San Pedro Cactus Monstervorm groeit bij u thuis meteen verder !
Dat scheelt: ompotten, bewortelen, vervorming door een groei-stop,
en mogelijk verlies door infecties en verrotting.
1. Gezaaide San Pedro Cactus monstervormen groeien de eerste jaren vaak op onder beschermde omstandigheden.
Ze worden vaak afgeschermd tegen zon, staan meestal warm, worden beschermd met bestrijdingsmiddelen.
Deze zogenaamde "kasplantjes" zijn dunner, wateriger, minder sterk, hebben dunnere en lichtere doorns.
Deze "kasplantjes" zijn daarom gevoeliger voor minder optimale omstandigheden.
2. Jonge zaailingen van San Pedro Cactus monstervormen lijken vaak niet op oudere planten van dezelfde soort.
Jonge gezaaide zaailingen van verschillende soorten Mescaline Cactussen lijken de eerste jaren vaak op elkaar.
In beide gevallen is het dus niet duidelijk tot welke soort Mescaline Cactus de zaailing behoort.
Daarom leveren wij alle Echinopsis-soorten:
-- als dikke sterke stek.
-- goed bewortelde stek in een pot (plant).
The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This smallest-sized rooted monstrous form grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Smallest size and cheapest well-rooted plant in a pot of the monstrous form of the San Pedro Cactus.
Euro 15.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This smallest-sized rooted monstrous form grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Small size and cheapest well-rooted plant in a pot of the monstrous form of the San Pedro Cactus.
Euro 18.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This smallest-sized rooted monstrous form grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Small size and cheapest well-rooted plant in a pot of the monstrous form of the San Pedro Cactus.
Euro 20.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This smallest-sized rooted monstrous form grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Small size and cheapest well-rooted plant in a pot of the monstrous form of the San Pedro Cactus.
Euro 22.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Medium size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 25.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Medium size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 28.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Medium size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 30.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Long size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 35.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Long size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 39.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
Long size and cheap well-rooted plant in a pot grows about 10 - 15 cm in length every year.
Eventually, this monstrous San Pedro Cactus can grow more than a metre tall.
Euro 44.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This smallest-sized cutting (‘cutting’) of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Smallest size and cheapest cutting of the monstrous form of the San Pedro Cactus.
Euro 10.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This small size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 13.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This small size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 15.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 17.95
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The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 20.95
The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 24.95
The Cactus body of this special monstrous form looks irregularly and monstrous.
This monster Cactus grows with unexpected side shoots, crest forms, new and disappearing ribs.
Intermediate ribs, tubercles, and also crest forms arise spontaneously.
This medium size cutting of this monstrous San Pedro Cactus makes roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the rooted cutting grows about 10 cm in length in the first year.
From the second year, this monstrous form grows at least 15 centimetres in height.
Eventually, this monstrous form can grow more than a metre high.
Euro 29.95