These San Pedro Cactus SETS contain 3 different species, shapes and varieties of San Pedro Cacti.
The sets are offered at a discount.
There are sets with San Pedro Cactus cuttings or San Pedro Cacti in a pot.
The three Cacti in a set are approximately the same size.
Example: San Pedro Cactus SET 5 + cm with:
1. San Pedro Cactus 5+ cm, STEK.
2. San Pedro Cactus monstrous form 5+ cm, STEK.
3. San Pedro Cactus crest form 6+ cm, STEK.
The mentioned dimensions are minimum dimensions.
A cutting of 7+ cm therefore means a length of at least 7 cm.
STEK = unrooted cutting (side branch cut off). In English: cutting.
PLANT = well-rooted plant in a pot.
PLANT IN POT = well-rooted plant in a pot.
Want to buy San Pedro plants or San Pedro cuttings ?
You can buy San Pedro plants or San Pedro cuttings.
1. Buy San Pedro cuttings without roots.
Strong cuttings to eat ..... !
Or to pot and root yourself.
A San Pedro cutting makes new roots after 4 to 6 weeks,
after which the rooted San Pedro cutting continues to grow.
Cuttings of San Pedro Cactus species :
-- are up to about 15 cm in length much thicker, heavier and stronger
than sown San Pedro Cacti (seedlings).
-- possess a thicker outer tissue layer (Chlorenchyme layer),
in which the Mescaline content is highest.
2. Buy well-rooted San Pedro plants in a pot
A well-rooted San Pedro cactus plant grows immediately at home!
That saves: repotting, rooting, deformation due to a growth stop,
and possible loss through infection and rotting.
1. Greenhouse plants
Sown San Pedro Cacti often grow up in a protected climate for the first few years.
They are often shielded from the sun, are usually kept warm,
receive a lot of water and fertiliser, and are protected with pesticides.
These ‘greenhouse plants’ are therefore more susceptible to less optimal conditions.
These so-called ‘greenhouse plants’ are thinner, waterier, weaker
and have shorter, thinner and lighter thorns.
2. Seedlings are difficult to recognise
Young seedlings of San Pedro Cacti look:
-- often do not resemble older plants of the same species.
-- the first few years often resemble other Echinopsis species.
You can only tell after a few years which Echinopsis species the seedlings belong to.
3. Cuttings
This is why we supply all San Pedro Cacti as:
-- thick strong cuttings.
-- well-rooted cutting in a pot (plant in pot).
Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 30.95
Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 45.95
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Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 40.95
Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 55.95
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Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 49.95
Smallest and cheapest set of well-rooted plants of the San Pedro Cactus.
To further cultivate and grow yourself.
Offered for sale as a SET at a discount.
Euro 65.95
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