The Echinopsis pachanoi (= San Pedro Cactus) is the best-known mind-altering Cactus from South America.
Its natural growing areas are in the high plains of the Andes mountains in Ecuador and Peru.
Echinopsis pachanoi contains the alkaloid Mescaline as its psychoactive constituent.
Mescaline has strong hallucinogenic effects and causes hallucinations in a Mescaline trip.
Indian Curanderos (Shamans) use the Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus to cure all diseases.
The short spines are the main distinguishing feature of Echinopsis pachanoi.
Both the middle and border spines are no more than 2 centimetres long.
![]() Cutting of Echinopsis pachanoi (Trichocereus pachanoi).
The white dots are areoles, from which the thorns grow.
(Photo from the side).
![]() Top of Echinopsis pachanoi (San Pedro Cactus)
with 5 convex ribs and short thorns.
(photo from the top).
Name: Echinopsis pachanoi H. Friedrich & Rowley 1974 (see IOSB 3(3): 96).
Basionym: Trichocereus pachanoi (Britton & Rose 1920 - Cactaceae vol. 2 - p 134).
Distribution range:
Cuenca (Ecuador). Type-plant of Echinopsis pachanoi found here.
Description from: The Cactaceae - Britton & Rose (Vol. 2 - page 134)
Plants tall, 3 to 6 m high, with numerous erect branches, lowly covered with a haze when young,
dark green when older.
Ribs 6 to 8, broad at base, obtuse, with a deep horizontal reduction above the areole.
Spines often absent, when present few, 3 to 7, unequal, the longest 1 to 2 cm long, dark yellow to brown.
Flower-buds pointed.
Flowers very large, 19 to 23 cm long, arising at the top of branches, flowering at night, very fragrant.
Outer petals brownish red, inner petals oblong, white.
Helmet threads long, weak, greenish.
Style greenish below, white above.
Stigma lips line-shaped, yellowish.
Fruit principle covered with black curly hairs.
Apices of scales on flower tube and fruit bear long black hairs.
1. Stem (stalk) of Echinopsis pachanoi
1.1 The length of the stem of Echinopsis pachanoi can exceed 6 metres.
Side branches often grow from the base.
The stem of Echinopsis pachanoi normally grows vertically upwards.
In nature, long stems sometimes fall over, after which they grow back up diagonally when lying horizontally on the ground.
Sometimes they grow hanging down on rocks.
1.2 The maximum diameter of the stem is about 10 centimetres, maybe 15 centimetres.
Cacti larger than 10 cm in diameter may be a different species.
2. Ribs of Echinopsis pachanoi
The columnar stem has four to nine (4-9) vertical ribs.
A rib is a vertical protrusion of the columnar stem.
3. Colour of Echinopsis pachanoi
The colour of the body is :
-- glossy green in watery seedlings and fattened cuttings and plants.
-- blue-green or grey-blue in stronger and older mature cuttings and plants.
4. Areoles of Echinopsis pachanoi
An areole (= thorny cushion) is a woolly felty beige spot on the rib of a Cactus.
Areoles are round to oval in shape, and the diameter is 3 to 7 millimetres.
There are many areoles on each rib, usually every 1 to 2 centimetres.
Several thorns grow from each areole, and the flower bud of Echinopsis pachanoi also arises from them.
5. Groove above each areole
A V-shaped groove is located above the areole (= thorn cushion).
This notch is darker green in colour than the surrounding Cactus skin.
6. Spines of Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi has short spines (both radial and central spines) up to 2 cm long.
The colour of the cactus spines is dark yellow to beige to brown.
From the round beige-white areoles (=cushions) grow 3 to 7 short spines.
7. Roots of Echinopsis pachanoi
The widely branched roots grow from the underside of the cactus.
A reclining Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus also produces roots from the underside of the side lying on the ground.
The root system is strong and little susceptible to cold, moisture, heat and pests.
9. Fruits of Echinopsis pachanoi
The fruits are about 6 centimetres long and also covered with scales and dark hairs.
Inside each seed berry are hundreds of small black seeds.
10. Seeds of Echinopsis pachanoi
The seeds are black in colour, and about 1 - 2 mm long.
11. Natural growth habitats of Echinopsis pachanoi
The current natural growing areas ofEchinopsis pachanoi are in the countries of Ecuador and Peru .
They grow at an altitude of 1000 - 3000 metres in the Andes mountains.
12. Culture of Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti have probably been planted locally for thousands of years.
Often near settlements of indigenous Indian people.
The exact original growing areas of Echinopsis pachanoi are therefore unknown.
Echinopsis pachanoi may be a cultivar (culture-variety) of other Echinopsis species.
1. Vertical growth habit
Echinopsis pachanoi is a columnar cactus and grows vertically upwards to form a long column or pillar.
Several lateral stems often grow upwards from the base, thus forming a single Cactus group (cluster).
The trunk (stem) of Echinopsis pachanoi can grow more than 5 metres long.
2. Horizontal growth
The stem of a large Echinopsis pachanoi sometimes falls over, so that Cactus body lies flat on the earth.
The horizontal lying stem then makes new roots at the bottom.
The head of the reclining Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus then grows diagonally upwards.
3. Growing downwards
Echinopsis pachanoi sometimes grows hanging downwards on rocks.
Echinopsis pachanoi is flowering from about 40 cm in length, if grown warm and sunny.
Flowering times
Echinopsis pachanoi is a night bloomer.
The large white fragrant flowers open in the evening, and close the next morning.
Pollination of the flowers
Pollination of the large white fragrant flowers takes place at night by insects, e.g. moths.
Bitter taste of Echinopsis pachanoi
The inner cell tissue of Echinopsis pachanoi tastes bitter, just like in the Peyote Cactus.
The bitter taste is caused by the alkaloid Mescaline.
If you do not taste bitter, then the cactus really does not contain Mescaline!
Clear smell of Echinopsis pachanoi
The tissue inside Echinopsis pachanoi smells distinctly, just like the Peyote Cactus.
The smell is spread by the alkaloid Mescaline.
Do not smell the cut surface of a freshly cut piece of Echinopsis pachanoi,
then taste it by holding your tongue against the cut surface.
If you do not experience a bitter taste, then this ‘Mescaline Cactus’ does not contain Mescaline!
It is probably another Echinopsis species that does not contain Mescaline.
Function of the bitter taste
The very bitter taste of Echinopsis pachanoi is an effective defence against animal predation.
Animals eat Cacti because the inner Cactus tissue contains a lot of water.
The bitter taste deters animals from continuing eating after the first bite.
Until the Spanish invasion of South America (until the early 16th century)
Echinopsis pachanoi has probably been used for thousands of years in South America.
Its mind-altering effects have also been known to the native population for thousands of years.
Ancient pottery sometimes depicts the stem of Echinopsis pachanoi.
An original name of Echinopsis pachanoi is Achuma.
After the Spanish invasion of South America (from the early 16th century)
Since the Spanish invasion of South America, Echinopsis pachanoi and its psychedelic effects have also been known in Europe.
The Spanish gave this psychedelic cactus the name San Pedro.
1. Use as medicine
The sacred and magical Echinopsis pachanoi is used among Indian indigenous people for healing.
The religious sessions and ceremonies are led by a Curandero (healer).
A Curandero can be compared to a Mexican Shaman.
2. Use as a living secretion
A row of planted Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti is used as a living fence (palisade).
Usually around one's home or around a village.
3. Use as an ornamental plant
In the native growing regions, Echinopsis pachanoi plants are also used as ornamental plants.
Overview of the Mescaline content of fresh and dried Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti.
Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi
Mescaline %
in mg
per 100 grams
Mescaline %
in mg
per 100 grams
Echinopsis pachanoi
0,12 %
2 %
2 gram
0,04 %
40 milligram
0,67 %
670 milligram
0,067 -
0,079 %
Bruhn & Lundstrom
Economic source of natural Mescaline due to rapid growth
Echinopsis pachanoi is the most economical source of natural Mescaline.
Echinopsis pachanoi grows very rapidly in length, and also in width.
The stem of Echinopsis pachanoi can grow about 30 centimetres longer per year,
Echinopsis pachanoi must then be well rooted and in a large pot (> 20 cm).
Larger Mescaline increase than the Peyote Cactus
The Peyote Cactus grows much more slowly, its diameter increasing about 1 cm per year when growing slowly.
The increase in length is even less than 0.5 cm per year, if grown naturally.
Relatively most Mescaline is under the epidermis
The outer green tissue just below the epidermis contains relatively the most Mescaline.
Ribs increase the assimilation surface
The 4-9 protruding ribs of Echinopsis pachanoi greatly increase the assimilation surface.
With more ribs, Echinopsis pachanoi can absorb more carbon dioxide, and therefore grow faster.
The more ribs, the more Mescaline
The more ribs an Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus has, the greater its assimilation surface.
, So also more epidermis, and also more green tissue below.
An Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus with many ribs is likely to contain more Mescaline than one with few ribs.
Many different ways of preparing strains of Echinopsis pachanoi have been described.
Not all ways of preparation are effective, which is why a trip sometimes fails to occur.
By eating a piece of Echinopsis pachanoi, Mescaline can be absorbed into your body in two ways.
1. Absorption through the buccal mucosa
By chewing well without swallowing, the Mescaline is absorbed through the oral mucosa
inside your mouth.
The Mescaline is then absorbed by the cells of the epithelial tissue in your mouth.
From this oral tissue, the Mescaline is transported to your nearby brain cells.
2. Absorption through the digestive system.
Through proper chewing and swallowing, the finely chewed Cactus tissue enters your stomach.
Uptake through the stomach and intestines allows larger quantities of Mescaline to be absorbed.
The Mescaline then enters the bloodstream, flowing to the liver.
The liver filters about 95% of the Mescaline out of your blood.
So only 1/20 of the absorbed Mescaline eventually reaches your brain.
The effects of consuming Echinopsis pachanoi are similar to eating Mescaline.
Besides Mescaline, Echinopsis pachanoi contains no other substances (alkaloids) that have strong effects.
This is in contrast to the Peyote Cactus, which does contain many other alkaloids with their own effects.
A Mescaline trip with Echinopsis pachanoi is therefore softer and less intense than a Peyote trip.
Mescaline causes hallucinations
The alkaloid Mescaline causes psychedelic hallucinations during a Mescaline Cactus trip.
The active ingredient Mescaline activates human nerves in a Mescaline trip.
, Its mind-altering and hallucinogenic effects intensify all perceptions and experiences.
When used, almost every user experiences intensely coloured visual effects and visions.
Mescaline is an alkaloid (alkaline-reactive compound) that causes mind-altering hallucinations.
Mescaline has a bitter taste and forms white crystals.
Its chemical name is 3,4,5-trimethoxy-B-phenethylamine.
Growth areas common
Echinopsis pachanoi grows in the Andes mountains in Ecuador, Peru, and probably Bolivia.
Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti have probably been planted in the Andes region for thousands of years.
They are planted for use as ornamental plants, as partitions (hedges), and as medicine.
Growing regions by country
Growing regions in Ecuador
Cuenca, Azuay province (2,500 metres altitude).
Chanchan valley.
Growth areas in Peru
Ancash region (northern Peru, 3300 metres altitude).
Cordillera Blanca (3300 metres altitude).
In northern Peru (at about 4000 metres altitude).
Huancabamba region.
Growing regions in Bolivia
Cochabamba province (above 3300 metres).
Growth altitude
Between 2000 and 3000 metres.
Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti grow in nature in different growing areas (biotopes).
Each natural location has different soil and climate conditions.
These natural differences cause different forms of Echinopsis pachanoi.
Thus, there are many Echinopsis forms that are classified under Echinopsis pachanoi.
1. Cactus of the four Winds / Wind regions
Form of the Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus with only four ribs.
= ‘Cactus of the four winds’ is the better-known English name.
Shamans consider this form to be very special and magical with supernatural effects.
2. Echinopsis pachanoi forma variegata
Multicoloured form that is both green and whitish in colour.
The whitish parts of the tissue lack the chlorophyll.
Dutch name: variegated San Pedro Cactus.
1. Echinopsis pachanoi variety peruviana
(= Echinopsis pachanoi variety peruvianus)
F. Ritter regarded Echinopsis peruviana (= Echinopsis peruvianus) as a variety of Echinopsis pachanoi (= Echinopsis pachanoi).
F. Ritter thus found that both Cacti belonged to the same species.
F. Ritter saw in nature many flowing transitional forms between the two Cacti.
See also the description of the Peruvian Torch Cactus.
F. Ritter = Friedrich Ritter = well-known German botanist who described many Cacti in South America.
Crosses of Echinopsis pachanoi and other Echinopsis species
There are probably many crosses of Echinopsis pachanoi with other Echinopsis species.
Crosses occur in nature, and also in culture.
Crosses at natural growing sites of Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti have been planted by indigenous people in their habitats for centuries.
Echinopsis pachanoi therefore no longer grows only in its natural growing areas.
These Cacti also grow in cultivated areas around habitats of indigenous people.
Perhaps this is why Echinopsis pachanoi is a cultural-variety (‘Cultivar’)
1. The official scientific name of Echinopsis pachanoi was:
Echinopsis pachanoi Britton & Rose
Echinopsis pachanoi was discovered in Ecuador in 1918 by cactus connoisseurs Lord Britton, Dr Rose and Professor Pachano.
2. The current scientific name is:
Echinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & Rowley
Meaning of the scientific names of Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis = hedgehog cactus.
Echinopsis = cereus (columnar cactus) with hairs. The flower tube has brown-black hairs.
pachanoi = named after Professor Pachano from Ecuador, who together with Britton and Rose discovered this Cactus.
cacti = Cacti (English).
cristatus = comb form, cristate.
cultivar = cultivated-variety.
forma = form, shape.
monstruosus = monstrous.
variety = below-species rank of plants with some divergent characteristics.
Changed naming of Echinopsis species
The botanical names of all Echinopsis species have recently changed.
The original genus name Echinopsis and sometimes the species names of all Echinopsis species have been changed.
This naturally creates great confusion when naming and recognising Echinopsis cacti.
1. Echinopsis genus name changes to Echinopsis
The Cactus genus Echinopsis is now classified under the Cactus genus Echinopsis.
The current botanical genus name for the Cactus genus Echinopsis is now Echinopsis.
2. Echinopsis pachanoi has the new name Echinopsis pachanoi
The ending of a species name aligns with the genus name, so many species names were also modified.
The species name pachanoi of Echinopsis pachanoi remains unchanged.
The new scientific name of Echinopsis pachanoi in now Echinopsis pachanoi.
You probably can't buy Echinopsis pachanoi in a garden centre !
A garden centre sometimes does sell columnar cacti, but these are other species of other Cactus genera.
There are many hundreds of different species of columnar cacti.
Echinopsis pachanoi difficult to recognise
Echinopsis pachanoi belongs to the Cactus genus Echinopsis.
The genus Echinopsis consists of dozens of different species of columnar cacti.
The different species, forms and varieties of the cactus genus Echinopsis are quite similar.
Recognising an Echinopsis species is difficult, also because little is known about it.
Only a few species of Echinopsis are mind-altering.
Even the few mind-expanding Echinopsis species are easily confused !
Photos of Echinopsis pachanoi
Photos of Echinopsis pachanoi are often taken in nature from old large mature tree-like plants.
Large natural Cacti look very different from small cultivated plants in Europe.
This does not make recognising Echinopsis pachanoi any easier.
Echinopsis pachanoi is an easy-to-grow Mescaline Cactus.
This columnar cactus grows quickly and easily makes new side branches and roots.
With plenty of warmth and light, Echinopsis pachanoi grows best.
However, this Mescaline Cactus can also tolerate less optimal conditions.
Growth of Echinopsis pachanoi
The stem of Echinopsis pachanoi can grow as much as 30 cm per year in length.
The Cactus must then have made a lot of roots, and be in a large pot or container.
Watering Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi needs water every 2 weeks during the growing season (1 March to 1 October).
During winter dormancy in the winter months (1 October to 1 March), do not water.
Echinopsis pachanoi and also other Cacti can survive prolonged drought periods.
During such a drought period, the growth of Echinopsis pachanoi stops.
Giving cactus fertiliser to Echinopsis pachanoi
The nutrients in the Cactus soil are slowly depleted.
The roots of Echinopsis pachanoi absorb these nutritional elements.
Therefore, you should fertilise Echinopsis pachanoi regularly so that the amount of nutrients in the soil remains sufficient.
Composition of cactus fertiliser
Cacti need very little of the nitrogen (N) fertiliser.
With too much nitrogen (N), a cactus grows elongated and weak.
A good total fertiliser with little Nitrogen contains all the necessary nutrients for Cacti.
Besides N (Nitrogen), P (Phosphor) and K (Potassium) also 3% Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe) and all trace elements.
By giving extra Potassium nitrate (Calcium nitrate), Echinopsis pachanoi grows faster, but also narrower and slacker.
Dosage of cactus fertiliser
Give a maximum of 1 gram of fertiliser per litre of water (= 0.1%).
To seedlings and for gentle growth, give 0.5 grams per litre of water (0.05%).
Frequency of fertilising
You can fertilise the Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus with additional nutrients every 4 weeks.
Insufficient fertilisation of Echinopsis pachanoi
Due to insufficient fertilisation of Echinopsis pachanoi:
1. the Cactus grows more slowly.
2. flowering is not as good.
3. the production (synthesis) of constituents is less, so also less formation of Mescaline.
4. resistance to adverse conditions is lower.
See also the section: Cactus fertiliser
Cactus soil for Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi grows well on different types of soil.
The roots of Echinopsis pachanoi must be able to root well in the Cactus soil.
Each soil type has certain properties, which can be advantageous or disadvantageous:
1. in certain conditions.
2. with certain fertilisers.
It is therefore important for optimal growth to properly coordinate all growing components.
See also the section: Cactus soil
Full sun for Echinopsis pachanoi !
Sunlight is very important for all Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti !
3 - 4 hours of sun per day is sufficient, but preferably more.
Place Echinopsis pachanoi preferably in front of a south-facing window, or in a greenhouse.
A north-facing window is too dark, the Cactus will grow longer and thin.
Temperature for Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi grows well at a daytime temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius.
The minimum temperature in winter is about -10 degrees Celsius.
Avoid overheating above 60 degrees Celsius in hot sunny weather by sufficiently:
1. opening windows.
2. screening with newspaper or netting that provides shade.
Winter rest for Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi and other Cacti are not supposed to grow in winter in the Netherlands.
There is too little light in the winter time, which would make the growth of Cacti too thin (narrow) and limp.
Therefore, do not water Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti from 1 October onwards, which would cause the plants to stop growing.
Only from 1 March may Echinopsis pachanoi be watered again !
1. Sowing of Echinopsis pachanoi
Germinable seeds of Echinopsis pachanoi are the most important !
You can hardly tell from the seeds themselves which species they are, and is a job for specialists.
There are several Echinopsis pachanoi forms and hybrids, as well as many other Echinopsis species.
So you don't know beforehand whether you are buying the right seeds, you only find out afterwards.
Even with seeds from a reliable supplier, you only know after several years of breeding whether you have the right species!
2. Cuttings from Echinopsis pachanoi
Propagation by cutting cuttings from a San Pedro is faster and more reliable.
You then know exactly which San Pedro cactus the cutting comes from.
You can also immediately smell and taste whether the cut cutting (and thus the mother plant) contains Mescaline.
The tissue of Mescaline Cacti smells distinctly, and tastes bitter.
3. Grafting of Echinopsis Cacti
Echinopsis pachanoi is rarely inoculated, because this Mescaline Cactus grows very well on its own.
Echinopsis pachanoi itself is used as a rootstock (grafting stem) for other special Cactus species.
4. Cloning of Echinopsis pachanoi
With tissue culture, you can make hundreds of identical offspring from a small piece of Echinopsis pachanoi.
A cutting is divided into hundreds of small pieces, which are grown up in a nutrient medium.
An Echinopsis pachanoi cutting of 6 - 8 cm can thus produce hundreds of clones.
Each Echinopsis clone has the same hereditary properties as the original cutting.
clone = plant or animal with exactly the same hereditary characteristics as another plant or animal.
1. Handle plants of Echinopsis pachanoi with care !
1. Be careful with all Echinopsis Cacti and with their thorns, spines, needles, stimuli.
2. Always wear thick gloves.
3. Do everything thoughtfully, consider in advance what you want to do, and how.
4. Do everything slowly, so that thorns will sting less.
5. Make sure all large and heavy Echinopsis species are stable (or lying stable) in a low spot.
6. Do not keep Cacti with thorns near your head, or the head of others.
7. Keep children and pets away from (large) Echinopsis Cacti.
2. Moving long and large plants of Echinopsis pachanoi
-- fold 4 unfolded newspaper pages into a thick strip 6 cm wide.
-- preferably put on two thick gloves.
-- fold the strip of newspaper pages around the top of Echinopsis pachanoi, about 15 cm below the top.
Make sure both ends point to the right.
-- Hold both ends of the strip close to the vertical stem with your right hand.
-- grab the pot by the top rim with your left hand in case of a light Echinopsis pachanoi,
or hold the pot at the bottom in the case of a heavy Echinopsis pachanoi.
Now you can easily move the Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus, holding your:
1. left hand lifts the Cactus.
2. right hand makes sure the plant stays vertical and does not fall over.
3. Transporting cuttings and plants of Echinopsis pachanoi
Echinopsis pachanoi plants and cuttings are best transported horizontally.
Place the cactus on a soft surface of Styrofoam, bubble wrap, cardboard, newspapers, or foam rubber.
You can put more Cacti in a pot next to each other with the pot against the top of the neighbouring Cactus.
If necessary, put another wad of newspaper between the pots and each end.
Between several Echinopsis pachanoi cuttings, you can put props of paper or Styrofoam.
1. Dimensions
The dimensions mentioned are minimum dimensions.
A cutting of 7+ cm therefore means a length of at least 7 cm.
2. STEK = Cutting = unrooted cutting (side branch) from an old Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus.
English name: cutting.
To pot up yourself, or to eat ..... !
A cutting of Echinopsis pachanoi makes new roots after 4 - 6 weeks.
After this, the cactus roots further in the soil, and starts to grow.
The Echinopsis pachanoi cuttings offered :
-- are strong thick cuttings without roots.
-- are side branches of larger well-rooted and strong Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti.
-- are up to 10 cm in length some 2 to 5 times thicker than sown Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti (seedlings).
-- are up to about 15 cm in length thicker, heavier and stronger than sown Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti,
-- possess a thicker green outer tissue layer (Chlorenchyme layer), in which the Mescaline content is highest.
-- are more recognisable, because you know which larger Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus the cutting was cut from.
Sown Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti look little like older plants of the same species in the first few years.
-- are more resistant to full sun and high temperatures.
Seedlings of Echinopsis pachanoi do not tolerate high temperatures and full sun in the first few years.
-- have greater resistance to cold and low temperatures down to -8 degrees Celsius.
-- are more insensitive to moisture than halllings.
-- are raised without pesticides (‘plant protection products’).
No biological pesticides are used either.
The natural conditions prevent the growth of pests such as harmful insects.
3. PLANT / PLANT IN POT = well-rooted Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus in a pot
Grows immediately at home !
There is at least 3 cm of cactus under the soil.
Buying a well-rooted Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus saves:
-- potting up,
-- rooting,
-- deformation due to a growth stop,
-- possible loss through infection and rotting,
-- loss of time during rooting of a cutting.
1. Often raised as greenhouse plants
1. Sown Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti often grow up in protected conditions for the first few years.
They are often shielded from the sun, usually kept warm, protected with pesticides.
These so-called ‘greenhouse plants’ are thinner, longer, waterier, weaker, and have thinner and lighter thorns.
These ‘greenhouse plants’ are therefore more susceptible to less optimal conditions.
2. Seedlings are difficult to recognise
A young seedling of Echinopsis pachanoi is difficult to recognise.
Only when the seedling has grown bigger will you know whether you have sown the right Echinopsis species.
Or perhaps another non-psychedelic Echinopsis species ....
2.1 Sown baby cacti of all Echinopsis species are quite similar.
Therefore, it is not clear which Echinopsis species or form a particular seedling belongs to.
There are many forms of Echinopsis pachanoi,
and even more species and forms of other Echinopsis Cacti.
2.2 Young seedlings of Echinopsis pachanoi often do not resemble older plants of the same species.
Therefore, we grow and supply all Echinopsis pachanoi Cacti as :
-- thick strong cuttings (cutting) of known origin
and as
-- well rooted plant in a pot.
Smallest and cheapest cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
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Smallest and cheapest cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
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Small and cheap cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
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Small and cheap cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
Euro 12.95
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Medium size cheap cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
Euro 14.95
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Medium size cheap cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
Euro 19.95
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Medium size cheap cutting for rooting and growing up yourself.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the cutting takes root and continues rooting in cactus soil.
The rooted cutting grows about 10 centimetres in length in the first year.
From the second year, a well-rooted cutting in a spacious pot grows about 20 cm or more per year.
Euro 24.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 28.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 33.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 38.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 43.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 53.95
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Long size cheap San Pedro Cactus cutting for further cultivation by yourself.
This San Pedro Cactus is well rooted and grows immediately at home.
A fully rooted San Pedro in a large pot grows 20 cm or more per year !
Euro 58.95
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San Pedro Cactus Cuttings for Ceremonies
2 to 3 STRONG AND TESTED CONSEQUENCES of the San Pedro Cactus and Peruvian Torch especially for ceremonial use.
Together they have a length of at least 50 cm, which is more than enough for a very good trip ! ;-)
Mescaline content
The cuttings are checked beforehand for their bitterness.
The more bitter a cutting is, the more Mescaline it contains.
So you are guaranteed strong and effective cuttings !
Tested on several shamans. ;-)
Euro 74.95
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San Pedro Cactus Cuttings for Ceremonies
2 to 3 STRONG AND TESTED CONSEQUENCES of the San Pedro Cactus and Peruvian Torch especially for ceremonial use.
Together they have a length of at least 40 cm, which is more than enough for a good trip ! ;-)
Mescaline content
The cuttings are checked beforehand for their bitterness.
The more bitter a cutting is, the more Mescaline it contains.
So you are guaranteed strong and effective cuttings!
Tested on several shamans. ;-)
Euro 59.95
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