PERUVIAN TORCH (HUANCABAMBA, PERU) FOR SAL  Peyote Paradise, Mescaline Cacti Specialist ! Cuttings for Ceremonies & Microdosing, Peyote, San Pedro, Bolivian & Peruvian Torch.
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= Trichocereus peruvianus from Huancabamba in Peru.
= Echinopsis peruviana from Huancabamba in Peru.

Form of the Peruvian Torch Cactus from the area around the city of Huancabamba in northern Peru.
This area is known for its high quality San Pedro forms (clones). 
Peruvian Shamans regard the city and region of Huancabamba as sacred.

This form of the Peruvian Torch Cactus has short thorns as a small Cactus.
As this Trichocereus species grows longer, the Cactus makes longer spines up to about 6 cm in length.
This form has shorter and thinner thorns than most Peruvian Torch Cacti.
Is therefore confused with the San Pedro Cactus, which possesses spines up to 2 cm in length.

In full sun, the epidermis of the stem develops a blue-grey colour.

A brief description with photos is given in:
‘Trout - Trout's Notes on San Pedro’ (on page 167).


Cuttings of Trichocereus peruvianus from Huancabamba in Peru.
Note the:
-- now short thorns.
-- dark-green V-shaped groove above each areole.

Long Trichocereus peruvianus from Huancabamba in Peru.
Long spines can be seen at the top of the Cactus as white stripes.

Long thorns on a cutting of Trichocereus peruvianus (Huancabamba in Peru).
Few pictures of the long thorns are known, not even in Trout's book) !


The dimensions mentioned are minimum dimensions.
A cutting of 7+ cm therefore means a length of at least 7 cm.

STEK = unrooted cutting (side branch cut off). In English: cutting.
PLANT = well-rooted plant in a pot.
PLANT IN POT = well-rooted plant in a pot.

Buy Peruvian Torch from Huancabamba - Plants or Cuttings ?
You can buy Peruvian Torch plants or cuttings:

1. Buy thick strong Peruvian Torch (Huancabamba) cuttings (cuttings).
To pot up yourself, or to eat ..... !
A cutting makes new roots after 4 to 6 weeks, 
after which the rooted Peruvian Torch cutting grows further. 

Cuttings of Peruvian Torch Cactus species :
-- are up to about 15 cm in length much thicker, heavier and stronger 
than sown Peruvian Torch Cacti (seedlings).
-- possess a thicker outer tissue layer (Chlorenchyme layer), 
in which the Mescaline content is highest.

2. Buy well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cacti from Huancabamba in a pot
A rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus will grow immediately at home!
That saves: repotting, rooting, deformation due to a growth stop, 
and possible loss through infection and rotting.


1. Sown Peruvian Torch Cacti from Huancabamba are often Greenhouse plants
Sown Peruvian Torch Cacti often grow up the first few years in a protected climate.
They are often shielded from the sun, usually stand warm, 
receive a lot of water and fertiliser, and are protected with pesticides.
These ‘greenhouse plants’ are therefore more susceptible to less optimal conditions.

These so-called ‘greenhouse plants’ are thinner, waterier, weaker 
and have shorter, thinner and lighter thorns.

2. Sown Peruvian Torch seedlings from Huancabamba are difficult to recognise
Young seedlings of Peruvian Torch Cacti from Huancabamba:
-- often do not resemble older plants of the same Peruvian Torch species.
-- often resemble other Echinopsis species in the first few years.
You can only tell after several years which Echinopsis species the seedlings belong to. 

3. Cuttings
Therefore, we supply all Echinopsis (Trichocereus) species as:
-- thick strong cuttings.
-- well-rooted cutting in a pot (plant in pot).

= Trichocereus peruvianus  uit Huancabamba in Peru.
= Echinopsis peruviana uit Huancabamba in Peru.

Vorm van de Peruvian Torch Cactus uit het gebied rond de stad Huancabamba in Noord-Peru.
Dit gebied is bekend om zijn hoge kwaliteit van San Pedro vormen (klonen). 
Peruaanse Sjamanen beschouwen de stad en de streek Huancabamba als heilig.

Deze vorm van de Peruvian Torch Cactus heeft korte doorns als kleine Cactus.
Als deze Trichocereus-soort langer groeit maakt de Cactus langere doorns tot zo'n 6 cm lengte.
Deze vorm heeft kortere en dunnere doorns dan de meeste Peruvian Torch Cactussen.
Wordt daarom verward met de San Pedro Cactus, die doorns tot 2 cm lengte bezit.

In de volle zon ontwikkelt de opperhuid van de stam een blauw-grijze kleur.

Een korte beschrijving met foto's staat vermeld in:
"Trout - Trout's Notes on San Pedro" (op blz 167)

       Stek van Trichocereus peruvianus - een Peruvian Torch Cactus vorm uit Huancabamba in Peru.
Stek van Trichocereus peruvianus uit Huancabamba in Peru.
Let op de:
-- nu nog korte doorns.
-- donker-groene V-vormige groef boven elk areool.
        Lange Trichocereus peruvianus - een Peruvian Torch vorm uit Huancabamba in Peru.
Lange Trichocereus peruvianus uit Huancabamba in Peru.
Lange doorns zijn aan de bovenkant van de Cactus te zien als witte streepjes.
Lange doorns aan een stek van Trichocereus peruvianus (Huancabamba in Peru).
Lange doorns aan een stek van Trichocereus peruvianus (Huancabamba in Peru).
Er zijn weinig foto's van de lange doorns bekend, ook niet in het boek van Trout) !


  De vermelde afmetingen zijn minimum-afmetingen.
  Een stek van 7+ cm betekent dus een lengte van minstens 7 cm.

  STEK  = onbewortelde stek (afgesneden zijtak). In het Engels: cutting.
  PLANT  = goed bewortelde plant in een pot.
  PLANT IN POT  = goed bewortelde plant in een pot.

  Peruvian Torch uit Huancabamba - Planten of Stekken kopen ?
  U kunt Peruvian Torch planten of stekken kopen:

  1. Dikke sterke Peruvian Torch (Huancabamba) stekken (cuttings) kopen.
  Om zelf op te potten, of om op te eten ..... !
  Een stek maakt nieuwe wortels na 4 tot 6 weken, 
  waarna de bewortelde Peruvian Torch stek verder groeit. 

  Stekken van Peruvian Torch Cactus soorten :
   -- zijn tot zo'n 15 cm lengte veel dikker, zwaarder en sterker 
      dan gezaaide Peruvian Torch Cactussen (zaailingen).
   -- bezitten een dikkere buitenste weefsellaag (Chlorenchym-laag), 
      waarin het Mescaline-gehalte het hoogst is.
  2. Goed bewortelde Peruvian Torch Cactussen uit Huancabamba in een pot kopen
  Een bewortelde Peruvian Torch Cactus groeit bij u thuis meteen verder !
  Dat scheelt:  ompotten, bewortelen, vervorming door een groei-stop, 
                           en mogelijk verlies door infecties en verrotting.


  1. Gezaaide Peruvian Torch Cactussen uit Huancabamba zijn vaak Kasplantjes
     Gezaaide Peruvian Torch Cactussen groeien de eerste jaren vaak op in een beschermd klimaat.
     Ze worden vaak afgeschermd tegen de zon, staan meestal warm, 
     krijgen veel water en mest, en worden beschermd met bestrijdingsmiddelen.
     Deze "kasplantjes" zijn daardoor gevoeliger voor minder optimale omstandigheden.

     Deze zogenaamde "kasplantjes" zijn dunner, wateriger, minder sterk, 
     en hebben kortere, dunnere en lichtere doorns.

   2. Gezaaide Peruvian Torch Zaailingen uit Huancabamba zijn moeilijk herkenbaar
      Jonge zaailingen van Peruvian Torch Cactussen uit Huancabamba:
      -- lijken vaak niet op oudere planten van dezelfde Peruvian Torch soort.
      -- lijken de eerste jaren vaak op op andere Echinopsis soorten.
      Je ziet pas na enkele jaren tot welke Echinopsis soort de zaailingen behoren.      

  3. Stekken
      Daarom leveren wij alle Echinopsis (Trichocereus) soorten als:
      -- dikke sterke stek.
      -- goed bewortelde stek in een pot (plant in pot).

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru -  3+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 3+ cm - CUTTING

S (Small). Small Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 8.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 4+ cm - PLANT

S (Small). Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 14.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru -  4+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 4+ cm - CUTTING

S (Small). Small Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 10.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 5+ cm - PLANT

S (Small). Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 15.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru -  5+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 5+ cm - CUTTING

S (Small). Small Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 11.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 7+ cm - PLANT

S (Small). Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 17.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru -  7+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 7+ cm - CUTTING

S (Small). Small Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 13.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 10+ cm - PLANT

S (Small). Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 20.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 10+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 10+ cm - CUTTING

S (Small). Small Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 16.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 15+ cm - PLANT

Medium. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 25.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 15+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 20.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 20+ cm - PLANT

Medium. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru)

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 30.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 20+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 24.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 25+ cm - PLANT

Medium. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru)

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 34.95

Stock: Op voorraad.


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 25+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 25+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 30.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 30+ cm - PLANT

Medium. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru)

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 39.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 30+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 30+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 34.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 35+ cm - PLANT

L. Large. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 49.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 35+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 39.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba , Peru - 40+ cm - PLANT

L. Large. Live plant with short spines of strong form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Well-rooted Peruvian Torch Cactus form in a pot.
Grows immediately at home !

This Peruvian Torch Cactus form comes from the Huancabamba region in Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 54.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 40+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 40+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 44.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba - 45+ cm - STEK

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba - 45+ cm - STEK

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 49.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru  - 50+ cm - STEK

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 50+ cm - STEK

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 54.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !


Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 55+ cm - CUTTING

Peruvian Torch Cactus - Huancabamba, Peru - 55+ cm - CUTTING

M. Medium Cutting of a STRONG Peruvian Torch form from Huancabamba (northern Peru).

Cutting of a San Pedro Cactus form from the Huancabamba region of Peru.
This region is known for its high quality San Pedro Cacti.
Has shorter and thinner thorns than the common Peruvian Torch Cactus.
Only later develops longer spines.

Euro 59.95

Stock: Uitverkocht !
