Cooking The San Pedro Cactus for fun, for healing, for learning,
for understanding, for opening the heart, for liberate the spirit, and so much more.
![]() 1. Collect and use rainwater
Because it is full of life.
Your tapwater isn't. ...
because it has the right pH level to merge
the water with the mecaline salts.
because it connects your medicine
with the spirits living in your environment.
Don't use mineral water.
That contains too much minerals
that interfere with the merging proces.
You can use distilled water
because the pH level is perfect,
but that is dead like tapwater.
And i think the whole proces of thinking
where to get your water and walking around
with buckets or jerrycans
and talking to people asking
wtf are you gonna do with that water
is a nice start of preparing the medicine.
And it is like the first step of connecting
the medicine with the earth and the rain
and the water.
wait till there passes a thunderstorm
and collect after:
your medicine will contain a lot of energy.
![]() 2. Quality and quantity
There is nothing to say
about how much mescaline one cutting contains before you cook it.
Some people say that you can taste it by licking the fresh cut.
The more bitter, the more mescaline.
But... sometimes the plant cells will just not release the mescaline,
despite all your efforts.
Every plant has a different level of mescaline
And every part of the plant has an different level of mescaline.
It depends on age, and also the living conditions.
The way and time of storage.
They say: if you stress the plant, it will produce more mescaline.
But i believe in love.
So if the plant is taking care of with love,
you maybe you have less mescaline
but a very nice energy into your medicine.
I prefer that.
But in case of the wild ones: the spirits of them are very strong....
The more cuttings you use, the more medicine. and that is a very nice thing.
Because it is time consuming to do the cooking
Because you can learn to dose it right,
because you get to know the medicine more,
after drinking multiple times of the same bottle.
Because you will never have not enough.
Sometimes you want to drink and stay drinking to get there,
where you need or want to be.
Because you can share it with friends.
The minimal is just one cutting arround 30 - 40 cm with a diameter of 5 cm.
That will be like +/- 500 gram.
The maxium is depending how big your pot is.
In this case i used 5 meters of cactus and a pot of 18 liters.
![]() Don't have sex or watch porno
if you don't want that energy into your medicine.
Don't stress, fight or worry either
during the cooking proces.
It is very simple:
everything is connected to the medicine.
You are connected to the medicine.
And the medicine is your baby.
A hybrid between you and the cactus.
you create life by making the medicine.
so if you still want to have sex: make love.
What realy helps is
meditation/ singing/ music/ intentions/
art/ connecting with totems/ tribes/
nature/ gods and of course praying.
if you need to protect the medicine
because of something or someone
is interfering with your peace:
use the lit. and put out the fire.
![]() 4. Thank you san pedro for living and dying
This is the moment to say thanks.
i prefer to cut it right to the core. so it dies quick.
if you have enough cuttings and space to grow,
you can save the top and let it dry for a month.
and plant it. so it stays alive.
You can also freeze the cuttings first.
if you repeat that a couple of times. the plant cells will tear apart,
making the release of the mescaline more easy.
But i don't have a freezer and also no place where i am regularly.
So i use all.
and just cut the core with all the love and respect towards the plant.
i use all. disgard none.
my andean teachers disagree with me on this.
they say i have to remove the spines. the transparant outerskin.
and the core. and most of the white flesh.
they say the core is poison. the spines dangerous.
and the white makes nothing else than foam.
And that the transparent holds back the releasing of the mescaline.
Some say the wax on it will make you puke.
and they say it is to hard to digest...
but if you blend it and strain it...
no problem there....
so maybe i am an stupid idiot but i follow my instincts.
i believe the core is poison, but with a reason.
And i believe the wax on the outside can make you puke,
but not if it is boiled for so many hours.
and the spines contains mescaline too.
and they will get filtered out anyway.
and i believe the white contains mescaline too.
especialy with the older cuttings.
But about the core.
the poison can make your muscles contract.
also the muscle of your stomach.
and this is a very handy tool in case of the right dosage.
If you drink too much cactus, your body will let you puke.
So by using the core, you can let san pedro decide what you can handle.
You can harmonize the poison with bananas.
The potassium and magnesium will undo the damage in your body.
And i also use it all, because ancient artefacs shows whole stars of san pedro.
Btw: i use always the same equipment.
and i do not wash that at all.
it feels like all the energy of the previous medicines are connected that way...
![]() 5. Slice it up.
The smaller the parts, the better.
pay attention. stay relaxed.
this is a good time to think about
what you want to put in the medicine.
your intentions. your hopes. your desires.
You gonna blend it later on,
so your blender likes it small too....
![]() 6. Fill up your pot,
but leave some space at the top.
Because the green will expand some.
because you need space to boil,
and prevent to boil over...
![]() 7. Making it easier
Cut some lemon and lime and juice it.
Because it raises the PH level.
You don't need it.
But it helps. ...
I use both fruits
to balance the male and female energy.
but that is more my superstitious...
and i believe it can't do harm either.
The sour will help your body
to extract the mescaline quicker
and your blood will addept it easier.
Grapefruit will do this trick also.
If you don't save the medicine
in a freezer later on,
the sour will be helping
with the conservation.
![]() 8. Putting it together.
Add the rainwater
add the juice of lemon and lime or grapefruit
keep it at least under 2 cm of the top of the pot.
you can put the lit on. Saves time.
You can leave it off.
Makes spirits easier to connect.
makes stirring easy...
If i cook the lit is
on off on off on off on off on off
depending on
my inner feelings and intuition...
![]() 9. Fire!
Fire is an element san pedro realy LOVES.
If you have the chance,
use fire during ceremony.
If you know how to cook on a bonfire,
try to cook a medicine on that.
To learn the diffferences.
But for now, we use gas.
The picture shows a thick bottom.
you will like to use a pot with a thick bottom.
Less problems with sticking plantmaterial
and much more equal temperature.
And that is nice for the proces.
For the flow of releasing the mescaline into the water.
by lighting the fire,
the whole proces gets more sacred.
the alchemy starts......
![]() 10. Stage 1 - First washing
You just started your first washing.
if you are in an hurry.
you can skipp this whole first process
and start blending right away.
scroll down to number 2......
But you don't want that.
Because it will be
much more a slimy mess.
and much more risk of cooking over.
and much more stirring.
and much more oxidation
because of all the air
if you don't boil the cactusparts first....
so i recommend
you don't skip this first washing at all.
Just saying, you can do that,
if there is no time,
because you suddenly need medicine
to help your friend in need of something.
or yourself, for that matter.
![]() 11. Stirring and more stirring.
And more stirring.
this proces will take like 8 hours.
You can use the lit. or not....
I like to use it.
Because of the micro climat.
And because almost all the evaporation
gets back into the pot.
So the goodys stay inside....
But you will need more time later
to simmer it down if you use the lit...
just do what you feel.
![]() 12. After 8 hours....
You can see the cactus parts
are now like glass.
the white flesh fainted.
And became softer.
Much easier to blend...
it is time for the next step....
![]() 13. Separation
I use a fine sieve....
no t-shirt. no coffeefilter.
it works just fine.
and you can worry
about the green leftover pulp afterwards.
I will give tips for that at the end.
So just separate the glassy parts
from the liquid of the first washing
by using a soup spoon.
![]() 14. Saving
Save both the liquid in other pots
and the cactusparts in whatever you got....
![]() 15. Boiling or simmering down
the clear liquid of the first washing.
In this case i used two smaller pots
and joined them later in one.
After some hours
there is enough evaporated to do so....
![]() 16. After some hours of cooking
or simmering.
Whatever you like.
simmering will hold some other alkoids
besides the mescaline inside your brew.
but i like boiling.
the clear experience of the mescaline.
simmering is more trippy...
boiling is more up...
after some hours
you can see changes in the liquid.
it starts to shine....
and this shining indicates
that the watermolecules
with the mescaline salts
are breaking into oil and water again....
![]() 17. Keep boiling / simmering.....
and watch close.
stir sometimes,
just make sure
that there is nothing sticking at the bottom...
don't forget to look
at the shapes of the foam.
at the storys it tells.
at this point i see a birdhead.
like a seagull.
for me stands that for the story
of jonathan livingstone seagull.
a beautyful story
about a crazy shaman seagull....
And the foam is telling us somethings
about the medicine too.
like that the cells are still breaking up.
like there is still no cohesion in the medicine.
like you have to boil down for more hours.
like the light colour of the foam tells you
that this is still the first phase
of the boiling / simmering down...
i don't use time as a unit to measure
how long it takes.
i just look at the signs of alchemy changes...
![]() 18. Watch the foam...
the liquid is getting darker and darker...
and the foam is getting darker too..
but also the foam is getting more shine.
it gets more like oil.
the bubbles in the foam
are getting bigger also.
and the rest of the foam is getting little...
it tells that
the most cells are broken
and the medicine
is getting more cohesion...
And don't forget watch the storys...
Now the surface looks
like a head of an owl.
this is a nice moment to ask the owl
to put in some wisdom and visions...
![]() 19. Time for a tip....
put the fire low
and put the lit on for 20 minutes...
untill you see much condens inside the lit.
![]() 20. condense
Because of the condense
the burned san pedro
sticking at the side of the pot,
becomes easy to remove....
Watch the yin yang in the surface....
![]() 21. Scrape the side of the pot clean.....
![]() 22. And stir it into the medicine again...
and keep on boiling / simmering....
![]() 23. Keep on boiling / simmering and stirring.
so long you have foam, you have to cook longer....
![]() 24. Stage 2 - Second washing
Welcome to washing number 2.
the boiled seperated green parts....
Or in case of your hurry....
your sliced up san pedro parts....
![]() 25. Mixing and blending
Mix the green parts with new rainwater....
one on one...
don't overfill your blender...
because that will burn your blender...
take your time to blend....
![]() 26. Blend it with love
untill the sound of the blender is steady
and you get like a beautiful foam....
1 minute will do....
![]() 27. Use the big pot again....
but don't fill it full.
fill it like halve...
because the foam will expand very easely
with the heating and boiling...
![]() 28. You need to stir
stir as much as you can.
stir for your life.
for your ancestors,
while heating up.
this picture shows that the air will expand. the mass will be more...
![]() 29. Keep on stirring.
You can see the foam is rising.
i use a stick to stir,
because of the dept of the big pot.
the stirring will reduce the bubbles.
reduce the mass.
so i stir.
and i pray.
![]() 30. Time to put new blend material....
as you can see, the foam is broken,
and the liquid is back to halve the pot.
so now i put
some more new blended material.
and repeat the steps
of warming up while stirring...
![]() 31. Repeat.
Every time you put new blended material
and repeat the stirring
and breaking the foam....
![]() 32. Check this...
The little pot left is
the first washing boiling / simmering down.
the white pot
contains fresh blended material.
the right pot
contains the second washing
with the already broken foam.
i will put little by little
the rest of the fresh blended material
into the right pot
during a period of one hour....
![]() 33. Pushing the limits.
When the blended foam is broken down
and the second washing is just a liquid
you can start pushing the limits.
stir less, use the lit if you want,
and at this fase
i like to boil it harder and harder....
for hours and hours...
just washing the foam.
getting less and less
and keep telling me story's...
i love to watch the little green parts
traveling trough the liquid.
and you will see a top layer arise
on the surface.
it will shine more and more,
and the foam will be less and less.
this is where you can put in all your love...
and it is a bonding period.
keep your focus on the medicine.
you can talk with the plant at this point.
just ask and listen...
listen to the bubbles.
listen to what pops up in yourself.
![]() 34. Left pot is washing 1.
Right pot is washing 2.
washing one
is reducing slowely.
washing two
is boiling without any foam any more.
and that is a good sign
the green blended part gave it all....
so you turn of the fire
of the second washing....
![]() 35. This is the second washing
after cooling down.
You see the green is separated
from the liquid.....
It sank.
And you see the liquid is shining like oil...
if you touch it.
feel it.
it is allready a little bit like oil.
Time for the next step.....
![]() 36. Seperate the green pulp
from the liquid....
i use a fine sieve.
because of the weight of the green pulp,
i use a cooking spoon to prevent
the filled sieve to fall in the pot....
![]() 37. Fill the sieve
with the second washing...
![]() 38. Keep on filling it while it clutters....
i use the soup spoon.
and i try to build a pyramide
inside the sieve.
spoon after spoon....
![]() 39. Then i let it stand for some time.
till it stopped dripping.
then i will wiggle the sieve.
So it release some more liquid.
![]() 40. Saving.
Save the liquid in a pot
and the green pulp in something else.
![]() 41. Squeezing the pulp.
take some pulp in your hand
and squeeze it above the sieve.
![]() 42. Voila, more liquid is out of the pulp.
![]() 43. If the pulp is still tasting bitter.....
you can add new water
and do another washing....
but in this case....
i didn't because it was not bitter anymore....
![]() 44. Stage 3 - Boiling
Welcome to the third fase.....
the whole boiling / simmering down party...
Of the first and second washing...
And if you did a third washing….
of the third one too....
![]() 45. Put the second washing
next to the first washing on the fire.
boil or simmer it down....
watch the show on the surfaces..
see how it becomes darker and darker.
You will have again some foam.
this time it is from the water
leaving the medicine....
and the mescaline salts
getting more like oil....
The cohesion of the medicine gets more
and more and the fluid will getthicker.
you will notice it while stiring...
![]() 46. After many hours of cooking
you can put all together in one pot.
and there will be starting to form a skin
on the surface between the stirrings....
i use a garde to stirr at the point
i put it in the middle of the pot
and push the skin down
and then stir it back in....
![]() 47. I use the skin on the surface
like a wizzard....
i let it stay there long as possible.
i watch
if there is still evaporation on the sides,
so the remaining water still can leave,
but the oil
will kept save underneath the skin.
i look at all the paterns
and storys underneed the skin...
they will show you also when to stir again.
![]() 48. The head of the owl is back again.
a little bit alienated.
a good sign....
the skin also gets less.
so the less water is still in the fluid....
but keep boiling / simmering....
![]() 49. It looks like cookie monster now.
so the party is starting…
the bubbles get bigger
while the skin gets thinner.
![]() 50. More balance. less skin..
The bubbles getting more clear.
the fluid gets thicker and thicker
and starts again to shine
more and more....
the head of a dragonfly is on the surface.
nice spirit to work with...
![]() 51. hey, that surface looks like caapi....
boil/ simmer it down
till all the foam is cleared....
![]() 52. This is the green oil
you wanna see.
All the water is gone.
The foam is gone.
the bubbles are clear.
And the bubbles
will stay on the surface....
sometimes even for minutes
before they break....
now i stop boiling
and i let it simmer some more...
untill i feel: it is ready.
or when it starts to stick at the bottom.
![]() 53. I let it cool down...
because it will not stick to the pot....
because my plastic bottle will not melt....
i use plastic,
if i have to move the medicine a lot.
i prefer glass.
but that is also risky with freezing in...
in this case the alien duck in the pot said,
i had to put out the fire.....
![]() 54. Look at the thickness.
it becomes even more thicker
after the cooling down.
look at the shine in the sureface....
i love it!
ok i use a funnel.
hold that thing
when the bottle is still empty.
and you are pouring the medicine in it...
![]() 55. After filling up the bottle,
it looks like this.
you can see the little bubbles.
it is realy like oil now.
you see the small parts
that came trough the sieve
are still in the medicine.
but the good news is,
if you let the bottle stand for al while
it will sink and stick at the bottom.
so you can pour again
the dark green / brown upperlayer
into a new bottle.
without the couple of centimeters
of green pulp on the bottom.
just pour gently.
the left over pulp
i will just use that
when i prepair a new medicine.
and boil that with the new one.
but i personaly
i just shake and drink it.....
on a complete empty stomach
and i rearly become noxious this way.
and if i have to puke,
i am happy to do so..
56. So astal or with your body....
i wish you a nice journey!!!
if you have any questions...
just let me know...